I haven't had a blog post since February last year. And if you are here, you may not know I had another blog before with 400 posts. Why did I let it go dark? Was it because I had nothing to share? HA! NO! Details aren't necessary, but I'm back and while my old blog and old posts are still up at Mommy Daily Vent, I've decided that I wanted a fresh start.
Does this mean no more venting? Probably not. But I am more than my venting. I've contemplated the blog thing since I quit posting. I've been told to be "successful", I need to pick a niche. I thought about cooking, but I am more than a decent cook. I thought about crafts, but I'm more than just that too. Spiritual, "mommy blog", activist, you get my drift.
I've decided, my blog is what it is and I will post whatever. Some days you may get stories about my kids, some days a favorite recipe, book recommendation, charity, my devotional for the day, you name it. And I may not post every day (probably won't).
So here it is! Why the name? One of my favorite verses lately from the NLT, "Rejoice in our confident hope. Be patient in trouble, and keep on praying."
Hope to see you back soon!
I am so excited to read what you've got to share. Thank you for starting your blog again! Many hugs & prayers always.